Today I'll show you what I lerned at Mongo University online course for C# developers after first lesson and passing all homework. I'll show you how you can: - install MongoDB on Windows workstation - switch between databases - display all elements from a collection - add new document to a collection - restore Mongo database from a dump folder. Get MongoDB installer from MongoDB download center: After installation of 64 bit version go to C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\3.4\bin. You should see there 2 files: -mongo - this is a console application, you can think of it as a client application -mongod - this is a server of database At this point it's useful to add 'C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\3.4\bin' to PATH environment variable. Now open the command line and go to C drive. Create the folder by using command: mkdir data\db And now run the server: mondog Important: If you forget adding the data\db fold...
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