Probably you heard that Microsoft Sql Server can only run on Windows machines. Good news - This is not true anymore. You can easily install it on Linux machine too.
In this article I show you 2 ways of installing Sql Server on Ubuntu 16 and demonstrate how to connect to the database from remote machine.
OPTION 1: Slow way - Manual installation
This is the most straightforward way of installing. You download packages and configure Sql Server interactively(you set password, port and choosing installation option - free or paid).
This is the step by step instruction from microsoft
OPTION 2: Fast way - Running on docker with just 2 pure-command-line commands.
My assumption is that your Ubuntu machine has already docker installed.
You can check if Docker is already installed by tunning the command: docker.
If you don't have docker installed, no problem: before continuing below instruction just install docker. This article shows how you can do it:
Go to Docker Hub, which is a public docker images repository(something like nuget gallery for .NET packages).
You can search for Microsoft Sql Server images. One of the result will be mssql server for linux:
Now you need to download image to your linux machine by running the following command:
docker pull microsoft/mssql-server-linux
The result should be as follows:
The final step is to run docker container based on the image you just have downloaded:
docker run -e 'ACCEPT_EULA=Y' -e 'SA_PASSWORD=yourStrong(!)Password' -p 1433:1433 -d microsoft/mssql-server-linux
Remember that you need to modify the above command a little bit. Just set the password to a string that you'll be using in order to connect to database.
When you run the command the SQL Server will run on 1433 port. Note that we specify this port 2 times. This is because we specify port inside of container and outside of container.
When you're done then congratulatiions - Your first SQL Server is running on your Linux machine.
Final step: Connect to SQL Server:
Now you can easily connect to your SQL Server database from Sql Server Management Studio(Exactly the same way like it was any windows-based installation).
To establish a connection you need the following data:
- IP address of your linux machine
- Port number where you started Sql Server - in our case it's 1433
- User Password - this is the password that you used when you've started the container.
In this article I show you 2 ways of installing Sql Server on Ubuntu 16 and demonstrate how to connect to the database from remote machine.
OPTION 1: Slow way - Manual installation
This is the most straightforward way of installing. You download packages and configure Sql Server interactively(you set password, port and choosing installation option - free or paid).
This is the step by step instruction from microsoft
OPTION 2: Fast way - Running on docker with just 2 pure-command-line commands.
My assumption is that your Ubuntu machine has already docker installed.
You can check if Docker is already installed by tunning the command: docker.
If you don't have docker installed, no problem: before continuing below instruction just install docker. This article shows how you can do it:
Go to Docker Hub, which is a public docker images repository(something like nuget gallery for .NET packages).
You can search for Microsoft Sql Server images. One of the result will be mssql server for linux:
Now you need to download image to your linux machine by running the following command:
docker pull microsoft/mssql-server-linux
The result should be as follows:
The final step is to run docker container based on the image you just have downloaded:
docker run -e 'ACCEPT_EULA=Y' -e 'SA_PASSWORD=yourStrong(!)Password' -p 1433:1433 -d microsoft/mssql-server-linux
Remember that you need to modify the above command a little bit. Just set the password to a string that you'll be using in order to connect to database.
When you run the command the SQL Server will run on 1433 port. Note that we specify this port 2 times. This is because we specify port inside of container and outside of container.
When you're done then congratulatiions - Your first SQL Server is running on your Linux machine.
Final step: Connect to SQL Server:
Now you can easily connect to your SQL Server database from Sql Server Management Studio(Exactly the same way like it was any windows-based installation).
To establish a connection you need the following data:
- IP address of your linux machine
- Port number where you started Sql Server - in our case it's 1433
- User Password - this is the password that you used when you've started the container.
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